The Softlink Asia Pacific Support Team delivers these informative sessions to help school library staff with a range of processes throughout the year.

Webinars last for approximately one hour and do not require participants to install any software. A web link to join the session is provided on registration.

Topics are sometimes term specific. Multiple sessions are usually available for each topic.

Please Note: All listed times are AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time (Brisbane Time)


If you are unable to attend a session, you can view the recording by logging into the Oliver v5 Community Portal and navigating to Learn > Webinar Recordings. If you don’t have a Portal login please email to request one.

Advanced Searching in Oliver v5

What we’ll cover

Advanced Searching from the Search Interface

  • Orbit
  • Classic Search​​​
  • Search

Advanced Searching from the Management Interface

  • Copies
  • Resources
  • Borrowers​​​​
  • Loans

Constructing Search Queries

Tue 27th August 2024 - 11am (AEST)


What we’ll cover

  • Basic Oliver v5 functions
  • Circulation Lending Rules
  • Circulation Desk Alerts
  • Overdue Notices
  • Z-Cataloguing
  • Search

Tue 23rd July 2024 - 12pm (AEST)

New Year Procedures

What we’ll cover

Lending Rules setup

  • Add closed dates
  • Update circulation expiry dates and fixed due dates

Borrower Maintenance

  • Add or update Borrowers using a Borrower import
  • Increment Scholastic Year and Roll Class (if required)​​​​​
  • Import Borrower photographs

Other optional tasks

  • Remove Roll Classes no longer in use
  • Print Borrower Barcode lists
  • Process long-term overdues
  • Weed unwanted items

No Available sessions

Oliver v5 Search

What we’ll cover

  • Features available to users who are not logged into Oliver v5.​​​​​​​
  • Extra functionality available to users that do log into Oliver v5.​​​​​​​
  • How library staff can control the display of the Search interface.

No Available sessions


What we’ll cover

Overview of the Orbit screen

  • Information Boxes
  • Searching

My Library​​​​​​​

Setup Considerations

  • Suitability Ages
  • Formats

No Available sessions

Overdue Reports

What we’ll cover

Setup and run an Overdue Notice

  • Setup an Overdue Notice template
  • Schedule a notice to run at regular intervals or run a notice manually
  • Select an appropriate Email form or Print report
  • Customise the email or report message (if required)
  • Restrict the template to target specific Borrowers and / or Resources
  • Check if Email notices have run correctly

How to include a Branch logo on a printed Overdue Notice

HTML Emails

Tue 13th August 2024 - 1pm (AEST)

Reporting in Oliver v5

What we’ll cover

  • System provided reports​​​​​​​
  • Creating new custom reports​​​​​​​
  • Analytical reporting

Thu 8th August 2024 - 11am (AEST)

Search Other Sources

What we’ll cover

How to use the Search other sources feature of the Oliver v5 Search interface

  • How to add and enable Search Sources
  • The difference between free and paid sources
  • How to add additional Search Source Groups (if required)
  • How to edit the Search Source result page layout


How to add Search URLs

No Available sessions

Smart Cataloguing and Enhance

What we’ll cover

  • How to setup Smart Cataloguing​​​​​​​
  • How to catalogue using Smart Cataloguing

Wed 31st July - 11am (AEST)


What we’ll cover

How to complete a Stocktake in Oliver v5

  • Stocktake prerequisites
  • Identifying a section to stocktake
  • Basic Stocktake workflow
  • Stocktake messages
  • Stocktake Summary report
  • Searching for copies made missing by the Stocktake

Wed 21st August 2024 - 12pm (AEST)

Tag Manager

What we’ll cover

Tag maintenance

  • Automatic tag allocation and maintenance
  • Manual tag allocation and maintenance
  • Bulk tagging of Resources

Creating a Reading List from a Tag​

Searching with Tags

No Available sessions