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What tools are needed to promote a reading for pleasure culture?


What tools do I need to promote a reading for pleasure culture

Softlink was excited to sponsor and attend the 2019 ‘Building Identites, Building Readers SLA Weekend Course in June.

During the weekend, Lexplore and Softlink polled librarians, teachers, SENCOs and literacy experts, asking which tools were required to help create and drive a reading for pleasure culture.

Using this data Lexplore has produced a fantastic ‘Reading for Pleasure Guide’ that looks at:

  • The reading for pleasure journey
  • What is reading for pleasure?
  • Why is it so important?
  • Reading for pleasure tips
  • The top tools identified as needed to promote a reading for pleasure culture

The infographic below shows the results of the poll.

Reading for Pleasure Guide

What tools do I need to promote a reading for pleasure culture at my school?

Looking for ways to engage your students in the library?

  • Using comments from the 2016 Softlink School Library Survey, this feature shares some innovative ideas library staff have implemented to engage students and promote the library
  • This blog post shares a number of ideas for promoting reading for pleasure and includes a number of links to useful resources
  • Written for National literacy and Numeracy Week, this blog post includes some fun, creative activities that you can use in your library at any time of the year
  • Oliver v5 is also a great tool to help you engage students and promote a reading for pleasure culture.
