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Category: Oliver v5

Oliver v5: A review of new features, July 2019

This blog provides an outline of three popular new features introduced to Oliver in the last six months and three exciting new features you will see in Oliver v5 over the next six months.

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School libraries share ideas for school-wide collaboration

How have school library staff successfully initiated, encouraged, and achieved greater collaboration between their library and broader school community?

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Category: CommunityOliver v5

Discussion Groups helping users come together as a community

Library staff from around the world are joining Discussion Groups as a way to e-meet with colleagues and share ideas on topics that are of interest to them. Learn more about our Oliver v5 Community Portal in this blog post.

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School libraries share innovative ideas

In the 2016 Australian and New Zealand School Library Survey respondents were encouraged to share innovative practices they had implemented in their school library. While we have produced several global features and completed two more survey’s since 2016, many of the ideas shared in the feature document are still very relevant, so we’re bringing it back!

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Colour and comfort in a compact library space

Kathleen, Library Technician at Buninyong Primary School, takes great pride in her library - its impressive collection, and as an attractive and functional space for the whole school community to enjoy.

Read more about "Colour and comfort in a compact library space"